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Queue of upcoming events
NameItem TypeProject TypeStatusPredicted date when I would want do this this by
Bahrain International CircuitPermanent race trackNewWhen I last looked at where this track is with Google Earth, Google's latest image still had the track under construction.April 26, 2009
Road AmericaPermanent race trackNewOn hold until Google Earth has decent resolution of the area.August 16, 2009
Valencia Street CircuitStreet racing track (?)NewWhen I last looked at where this track is with Google Earth, Google's latest image still had the track under construction.August 23, 2009
Twin Ring MotegiPermanent race track with oval and road courseNewOn hold until Google Earth has decent resolution of the area.September 19, 2009
Marina Bay Street CircuitStreet racing trackNewWhen I last looked at where this track is with Google Earth, Google's latest image still had the track under construction.September 27, 2009
Suzuka CircuitPermanent race trackNewOn hold until I can get problems with the imagery layer in Google Earth resolved.  Why?  I can't see the track due to cloudsOctober 4, 2009
Homestead-Miami SpeedwayPermanent race track with oval and road courseNewImage quality in Google Earth has not been reviewedOctober 10, 2009
Yas Marina CircuitPermanent race trackNewWhen I last looked at where this track is with Google Earth, Google's latest image still had the track under construction.November 1, 2009
HockenheimringPermanent race trackNewOn hold.  Google Earth shows only data from before at least 2002.  In that year, the track was revamped thoroughly.  Much of the old track is gone.  I have a SVG for the old track, but the new version will need to wait for updated imagery.Depends on Formula 1
Charade CircuitStreet racing circuitNewOn hold.  I need information as to which side of a circle that the cars went around.Unless I get the information mentioned at left, probably never.
Nivelles-BaulersFormer permanent race trackNewOn hold.  Google Earth shows it after a lot of modifications were made after it became something other than a race track.  I can't do this without an aerial photo from the period.  I need one taken from directly above or as close as possible.  A companion KMZ would require that I manage to make the photo into an overlay.Probably never unless I get an overhead photo.

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