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Main » FAQ » About Will Pittenger

Me from a couple of years agoI was born and raised in the Peoria, IL area. I went to Morton High School, Illinois Central College (where I got my Associates), and Western Illinois University. I obtained a Bachelors in Computer Science from WIU. Since then, I have ten+ years of computer programming experience. However I had troubles holding down jobs. Recently I found out why: Asperger Syndrome. As as a result, I am now legally disabled.
Added by: Will Pittenger (WillPittenger)

Current version
This is my primary browser.  3.0.4
I use this mainly for Microsoft Update.  However, I do have IE 8 Beta 2 installed.
IE Tab
This is a extension for Firefox that puts IE into a Firefox tab.  I use it for MS sites and a few others.  1.5.20080823
Firefox extension that kills ads.
Firefox extension that blocks scripts and plug-ins from sites you don't trust.
Google Earth
0.46 is what I use for most stuff.  However, I do keep the latest nightly of 0.47 around.
WindowsXP Pro SP3
GIMPI don't use it much, but I do have 2.4.6.
Added by: Will Pittenger (WillPittenger)

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