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No decision yet.  Please assume for the time being that I am reserving all rights.
Added by: Will Pittenger (WillPittenger)

Google Earth doesn't have such a tool built in.  But I found a website that can do it.  Copy your KML to the clipboard.  (That is what happens when you copy a path or any other object in Google Earth to the clipboard.)  Paste it into this site:  Their support is a Google Group: Conversion of Geometries to Plots with Distance Measurement.  They have other tools as well, including some that work with Excel files or are Excel files.
Added by: Will Pittenger (WillPittenger)

I thought the lengths of paths would be more precise.
Sorry.  But lengths have to be rounded.  First, the lengths I get are computed to 4 decimal places.  So that is about as accurate as it gets.  Before you complain more, for lengths in kilometers, that is to the nearest decimeter (1/10 of a meter).  For lengths in miles, that is to roughly the nearest 6 5/16 inches.  Considering the lengths of most of what I measure (or anything you measure in GE), is a tiny distance.  Don't worry about it.

Now that tool returns english lengths less than 1 mile in yards and metric lengths less than 1 kilometer in meters.  In both cases, it once again computes to 4 decimal places.  However, that level of accuracy isn't valid.  We are talking about to within .1 milimeters or less that 1/20 of a 1/16 of an inch.  No matter how accurate the calculations are, the placement of the waypoints in the path isn't that accurate.  In fact, I only attempt to put the path or polygon in the middle of the pavement.  If we are talking about a runway being used as track (Edmonds or St. Pete come to mind), the width alone could add or subtract 10 meters to the length.

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