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This map marks the debut of more information.  This includes speeds, gears, and G-Forces for various points around the track.  Also shown is the F1 speed trap.

SVG Link
Category: New Map available | Views: 976 | Added by: WillPittenger | Date: 2009-October-17 | Comments (2)

3-0-137-3That map was designed before I made my maps editable.  So I started over.  What got me to check on it was that I found I hadn't done a KMZ for that track.  Well, the map needed help.  New map works great.
Category: New Map available | Views: 766 | Added by: wlps-ge-stuff | Date: 2009-September-26 | Comments (0)

Actually, I made two maps.  Normally, with street circuits, I include the streets, but Monaco was too crowded even before I added streets.  So I compromised.  One map doesn't have anything other than the track.  It shows what I would do for a non-street circuit like Silverstone.  The other takes that map and makes it a partially transparent layer on top of the streets.  Those that open the SVG up in Inkscape will find they can turn the track layer off to view just the streets.

Two notes:
  1. Accuracy was seriously comprised by the shear vertical nature of Monaco.  Everything is stacked on top of something.  I located most of the track OK, but the streets were a pain to decide what connected to what.  Too many roads simply vanished into what looked like tunnels.
  2. Speaking of tunnels, the tunnel on the route below the hairpin left me guessing about the location of the track.  I had similar problems in the squares.
  3. ... Read more »
Category: New Map available | Views: 1544 | Added by: wlps-ge-stuff | Date: 2009-September-25 | Comments (0)

Track mapIt really helps when Google finally gets around to buying new imagery. The new map includes the Forumla 1 sectors and was accurate right of the bat.
Category: New Map available | Views: 601 | Added by: wlps-ge-stuff | Date: 2009-September-23 | Comments (0)

744511176.jpgThis track caused me fits with accuracy.  I think the hills were the problem.  But it now fits in Google Earth.  You can get the SVG from the Commons page: . Coming soon: The matching KMZ set.
Category: New Map available | Views: 962 | Added by: wlps-ge-stuff | Date: 2009-August-31 | Comments (0)

The SVG is is at File:Road America.svg (Direct link). The PNG is at Road America in our Image Albums section.
Category: New Map available | Views: 658 | Added by: wlps-ge-stuff | Date: 2009-August-26 | Comments (0)

You need to enable Javascript for the site in order to make the map interactive.
Category: New Map available | Views: 919 | Added by: WillPittenger | Date: 2008-December-07 | Comments (0)

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