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Main » News » 2008 » December » 2 » Site Tour
Site Tour
3:18:56 AM


Each button in the header has "unlit" version that is normally visible.  However, when you mouse over one of these buttons, it "lights up."  Mousing over buttons also causes a balloon to appear describing that button.  Those balloons may display emoticons based on which button (logging out is always sad) or when the page for the button is the current page.

NameButton images

Takes you to the homepage for the site
Top left

Click here to start your account!
Top right if you are logged out
Log in

Already have an account?  Click here and log in!
Bottom right if you are logged out

When you need to make changes to your account, click here.
Top right if you are logged in
Log out

Yeah, this button's purpose is dark.  We would loose you for the time being.  Please be sure to use it when you access the site from a public machine.
Bottom right if you are logged in

Site menu

The site menu is your main means of getting around the site.  It appears at the top of the left-most column except in the forums and list of members.  There, it was left out of the template I started with.  I solved that problem by collapsing it into a square box that simply shows "Site menu".  Hover over the box to make it appear.  All top-level items either have a balloon associated with them describing it or a sub-menu.  Some sub-menus have sub-menus of their own.

I have created a user group called for now Subhosts which will be a group of those that make requests for their own forums, blogs, the right to upload files and/or images, and possibly more.  Not everyone can join.  You need to have a product or service that isn't worth supporting and entire site by yourself.  Make me a proposal via the Site Suggestions forum or by PM.  Then I will evaluate if you should get in.

Item Name
Main page
Takes you back to the site homepage from anywhere
Site info
This page describes the site
Queue of upcoming events
Here I list all the things I am either expecting to do, would like to do, or have been requested to do.  If I don't expect something to be doable, the reason why is listed.  Go here to learn how you can help me compete these tasks.
This is my new blog.  Its submenu is a list of categories under which I may post.

Site status updates
This is where I list what changes I am making to the site.
New KM file added
I will use this category when I upload a new KMZ to Google's servers.
KMZ File updated
I will use this category when I upload an updated version of a KMZ set I already have on Google's servers.
New Map available
I will use this category when I upload a new map to Wikimedia® Commons.
Map updated
I will use this category when I upload an updated version of a map I already have on Wikimedia® Commons.
New Item in Queue
This category will be used to tell you about items I expect to look into working on.
In Progress
Once I start something that may take a while, I will use this category to let you know what to expect.
This category is a catch-all for whatever didn't fit into the other categories.
Eventually, this will be a list of blogs on the site.  Because my blog is currently our only blog, there is not yet anything here other than a link to my blog.  Subhosts can publish there blogs here.
Image Albums
I don't really know how this section will be used.  Tentatively, this will list all the maps I have done.  However, the site doesn't yet support a tag cloud or some other means of organization other than two levels of categories and no item can be part of more than one category.  So I don't know what will happen here.  Its submenu is a list of categories.  Currently, two of those are grouped into a "section."  You might still see this section's name on some pages.  That was "Photo Albums", but I changed it to reflect that I will upload few photos.  If you see the old name, please let me know.  Subhosts can upload here.

All maps will be placed into this section.

RacingThis category is for my racing maps
OtherThis category is for whatever maps aren't related to racing (or whatever other categories get added later).
This category is for any images I upload that don't happen to be maps.
File Catalog
I don't know how this section will be used either.  Like with the Image Albums section, this tentatively will list all the KMZ sets I have uploaded.  But again, there isn't any tag cloud or anything similar.  I am limited in both modules to one level of categories.  Once again, one category per item.  I might change its name to reflect that is would store KMZ sets rather than files in general.  While I created categories, please assume I will be changing them.  When I created the categories, I was thinking of uploading the map images here.  That will not happen so I will be deleting the categories and recreating them.  It's submenu will be a list of the categories.  Subhosts can upload here.
Here, you can suggest changes to the site, make requests, talk about Google Earth and Inkscape, and more.  The first level of submenus are forum sections.  The second level are the forums themselves.  I may add more forums for subhosts.  Note: Inside the forum pages the site menu is hidden in a small rectangle labelled "Site menu".

Administrative & related
This section holds three special forums.  One is currently reserved for my use as a way to publish news about the forums.

Any news about the forums that doesn't affect the rest of the site will be here.
Site suggestions & ideas
Place your feed back on the site here.  If you are posting about site bugs, please include a screen shot, which browser and OS you use including the version, and attempt to describe it as best possible.  Thanks.  Please note that I do most of my testing with Firefox.
This is your chance to experiment with the local version of BBCode.  Expect me to delete any posts over 24 hours old.
Requests & Comments
Go here to either request a map/KMZ or to suggest changes to the look of either a map or KMZ.

RequestsWould you like to see a map or KMZ of something be done?  Go here and ask.  Please include as many of the following as possible: a Wikipedia® link, coordinates (not needed if the Wikipedia® link has some that are accurate), link to their home page (again, skip it if the Wikipedia® article provides it).  It is very helpful if the links you give are to English pages.
FeedbackIf you like or dislike my maps or KMZ sets, this is where you provide that feedback.
Tool Talk
From here, you can talk about some of the tools I use.  None of these are true support forums, but I will help where I can.

Inkscape®This is a tool for creating SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) documents although other other vector formats are supported.  I may choose to to use this forum to offer limited lessons on map-making.
Google® Earth®
Want to learn how to publish your own KMZ sets?  Go here.
Paint.NET®This is a free paint program based on .NET for Windows.  It is NOT open source.  However, I like it because it is easier to use than GIMP® if not as powerful (yet).
Water Cooler
Talk about whatever.  Just keep things civil.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Answers to all sorts of questions about the site, tools, me, and more.  The submenu is a list of the various categories.  Subhosts get one category.

Site info
Answsers to questions about the site
Questions about the forums
How to use the forums, the BBCodes available, etc.
About Will Pittenger
Pretty much everything I am willing to reveal about myself.
About Will Pittenger's KMZ sets
Here I talk about how I create my sets and what tools I use.
About Will Pittenger's Maps
Here I talk about how I create maps and the techniques used.
About Google® Earth®
If you don't see your answer on one of Google's sites, you might find it here.
About Inkscape®
I answer a lot of questions here about Inkscape®.
About Wikimedia® Commons®
I talk about what licenses are accepted, file types, and more.
Guest book
This is a whay for you to say hello without loggin in or creating an account.  Spam will be deleted.
List of Members
Here you can look anyone up.  Note: Due to a lack of space, the site menu is hidden.  To use it, hover over the box that reads "Site menu".
FriendsThis is a list of ads athough it is better to think of it as a list of related sites.  Any site member can place one, but sites must be related somehow to this site and a return link is required.

Graphic Editors
Sites related to editing graphic files, pixel or vector based.

Sites about Inksacpe®, the free open source SVG editor.
GIMP® sites
Sites about GIMP®, the free open source painting program.
Paint.NET®Sites about Paint.NET®, the free painting program for Windows.
Google® Earth® sites
All kinds of Google Earth stuff here.

Blogs like mine
This is the place for blogs about Google Earth
KML Discussion sites
If you like to code your KML by hand, check out these sites.
More Goodies
Everything from tools to measure the area and/or length of paths to icons and more.
Unofficial Google Earth Forums
Are there more forums out there where people like to talk about Google Earth?  List them here.
Contact Us
You can use this as a way to reach of me (and possibly subhosts) without logging in.
Your money is the only way you can ensure the site stays up and I remain active.  Donations may be used to buy more disk space for the site, delete the ads, or ensure I have a working computer.  The last item is required or I vanish.

The other stuff in the sidebars

Besides the Site Menu, there are other things in the two sidebars. (The exceptions are the Forums and the List of Members. These pages don't have sidebars due to a lack of space.) On the left below the Site Menu, you will commonly see a list of categories or sections for that part of the site. This will go by various names like "Image Albums". (Some pages, like the homepage, will always show news categories even if they aren't news pages.) Below that, you will find one or more polls.

Now the right sidebar, in news and generic pages, will start with the News Calendar. I would like to see changes that allow it to list things that aren't news—especially stuff in the future. But for the time being, it is news only.

Regardless of whether the calendar is visible or not, the next group would be the search tool. UCoz is working on an entire site search of the own. When it arrives, I may change the search box's look to allow you to use Google or the UCoz search. Next, we have a special friends section. If I really like your site, it might be listed here. The "Create your site" link will always be listed to thank our hosts. Finally, we have the stats section.

Category: Site status updates | Views: 890 | Added by: WillPittenger | Rating: 0.0/0 |
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