I don't think the Swedes like publishing information about their track. It at least isn't high on their priority list. Once again I had to assign turn numbers myself. However, the map is done. You can get the SVG here.
Due to a lack of official information, I assigned the turn numbers
myself, but I did manage to include an overlay, 2 track layouts, pit
road, and more. You can get the KMZ here.
 Again, not much information available. I assigned the turn numbers myself. However, the SVG is available here.
This track in southern Sweden doesn't have much
available official information, but I managed to provide a path for pit
lane, a polygon for the track, an overlay, and more.
You can get the KMZ here.
 Those who look at the track in Google Earth will see some sections of track that might be unpaved sections for used with Rally-style racing or Super moto. But they could also be sections of track that has fallen into disuse but was never torn out. If you know which it is, let me know. I can't include them if they are simply never used. But if they are for super moto or something similar, I will add them to the map. You can get the SVG here.
I didn't have much official information to go on, but I did the best I
could. I included a map overlay, 18 polygons for track layouts, a path
for pit road, placemarks for each turn, and more. You can get the KMZ here.